I am Cathy Lawler, and I am a former middle school history teacher currently returning to graduate school after taking several years off to stay home with my daughter, now 8 years old and entering the 3rd grade. While I have always been interested in reading education, I have gained an even greater curiosity about the topic as I have observed my daughter and her peers learn to read.
During my previous graduate program, we were encouraged to look at students as learners and teachers as coaches. I worked to implement this philosophy into my own teaching at independent schools in both Washington, DC and Denver, CO. My interest in active, child-centered learning continues today, and I would like to see how this applies to reading education.Additionally, this school year I will be assisting in the 4-5 year old class at my daughter's former nursery school, a play-based preschool in Silver Spring.
I live in Silver Spring with my husband of 16 years, my daughter, and my cat.