is meant to encourage discussion, and you will disagree in your comments to
each other. However, it is important
to disagree courteously. So:
Do not criticize classmates for
their opinions (i.e. Never say someone's ideas are "stupid.")
Do identify the point you
disagree with and explain your reasons for disagreeing with your classmate.
Do use the following format,
"I disagree with your statement because (_______ evidence to support
your idea).”
Do not type in all caps.
Do not say anything on the blog
that you would not say out loud in class.
I am reading every comment before it is posted to the blog, and I will not post
inappropriate comments.
Baldino, S., & Fink, L. (2014). The classroom blog:
Enhancing critical thinking, substantive discussion, and appropriate online
interaction. Voices from the Middle, 22(2), 29-33. Retrieved from